

Object and Type


Object  : FCSession

Type     : Method





Public Function GetColor(purpose As String) As String





This method returns the color that a user should use for a specific purpose. These colors are loaded into FCFL via the LoadColors method.


The color returned will be one of three values:


·         If the user has specified (via the provided GUI) a personal choice for the color for the purpose, that color will be returned,

·         If the user has not specified a personal choice for the color, the default color for that purpose will be returned,

·         If no default has been specified for that purpose, "White" will be returned





Parameter Name                Required?             Description                                                                                          

purpose                                 Yes                         The purpose that this color is used for





One of the three string values listed above.





This example shows the loading of colors for the current user. It then prints out the user's color for a specific purpose.


Visual Basic:

The code in this example is written in Visual Basic.


fc_session.LoadColors fc_session.item("user.login_name")


MsgBox fc_session.GetColor("Interaction History - Case")